
by Facebook scare, Obama may target new, older and scared voters but hails to the dark side;) An American elections roundup…

In Uncategorized on October 29, 2012 at 16:24

Obama To MTV: No Facebook Profile For Malia

from All Facebook by Jennifer Moire


Infographic of shifting US political ideologies

from by Jason Kottke
It was not my intent to be so politically oriented this morning but here we are. This is a chart that tracks the ideologies of the Democratic and Republican members of Congress from 1789 to 2010. As you can see, the shift away from the center by the Republicans since 1975 is unprecedented, perhaps matched only by the shifttoward the center by the Democrats beginning in 1921 and ending in 1945.

The New Yorker endorses Barack Obama

from by Jason Kottke
Not a surprise really, but the New Yorker’s endorsement of Obama for President is a clear headed assessment of his first term and an effect critique against the “increasingly reactionary and rigid” Republican Party which Romney, to his discredit, has aligned himself with.


Eligible alternative: Mitt Romney

from Hurriyet Daily News
Nowadays it’s a popular opinion among Turkish intellectual circles that Mitt Romney.

Facebook Inspires Young Voters to Take Action

from Mashable! by Bob Al-Greene

Presidential Candidates Urge Voters To Get On Facebook

from Mashable! by Neha Prakash

Microsoft launches Bing Elections to curate news, results, and social media insights

from The Next Web by Ken Yeung


Malarkey Vs. Adorkable: The Vice Presidential Debate

from The Global Language Monitor by admin
Two words can be used to distill the essence of  Thursday Night’s Vice Presidential Debate:  Malarkey Vs. Adorkable.


With Obama’s structural lead, debate stakes couldn’t be higher

from The Global Language Monitor by admin
October 16, Austin, Texas — (Opinion) We have seen this all before in politics, in the board room, on the ball fields, and in life. The person at the top of the pecking order makes a misstep, seemingly minor, and then cascades into something major, and then cascades further still until it become calamitous — unless it can be stopped in time. Time is of the essence here. It must be squelched immediately, or sooner. And hopefully sooner still.


US foreign policy ill-served by its election

The idea that the US can ensure Israel’s future by imposing a new order in the Middle East is dangerous daydreaming, writes Zbigniew Brzezinski

Fact Checking Obama’s Misleading Answer About Warrantless Wiretapping on The Daily Show

from Updates by Trevor Timm
On last Thursday’s Daily Show, Jon Stewart boldly went where no mainstream reporter has gone so far this election cycle: asking President Barack Obama why has he embraced Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program after campaigning against it on the grounds that it violated Americans’ civil liberties.  While Stewart’s question was commendable, Obama’s answer was puzzling because it seems so obviously untrue.


Obama or Romney? The Russian view

from open Democracy News Analysis – by Dmitri Trenin

Russia may not figure much in American elections, but President Putin finds Mitt Romney’s description of that country as ‘geopolitical foe number one’ useful in his management of domestic politics. He could probably work with either candidate, but what sort of relationship with Russia might either of them pursue?

Second Presidential Debate: Less Twitter, More Facebook

from Mashable! by Alex Fitzpatrick

How Code for America Is Reinventing Government

from Mashable! by Lauren Drell


Which States Google the Presidential Candidates the Most?

from Mashable! by Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai

‘Binders’ Dominate Twitter Activity, Google Searches in Presidential Debate

from Mashable! by Anita Li

Barack Obama’s awkward debate references to Osama bin Laden

from FP Passport by Uri Friedman
Anyone who watched the Democratic convention knows that the Obama campaign is championing the killing of Osama bin Laden as one of the administration’s signature achievements — a strategy best summed up by Vice President Joe Biden’s reminder that “Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive.”

8 crazy things Americans believe about foreign policy

from FP Passport by Uri Friedman
This evening’s town hall-style debate, we’re told, will be different. An intimate setting. Direct interaction with thecommon voter. The potential for curve-ball questions. While audiences might not relate to the presidential candidates or the media, moderator Candy Crowley told CNN, “they do relate to 80 people sitting on a stage that look like them, and maybe have stories similar to theirs…. And I think that’s where a candidate has to make a connection.”

United States: Hispanic Perspective on Second Presidential Debate

from Global Voices Online by Eleanor Staniforth
Without a doubt, the second debate which took place at New York’s Hofstra University on the night of October 16th showed a much more energetic and on the offensive Barack Obama than in the first. For some, Obama took advantage of the ground gained by Joe Biden in the first and only appearance of the vice-presidential candidates, visibly putting Mitt Romney up against the ropes.

Fact-Checking Obama and Romney on Apple and China

from Mashable! by Alex Fitzpatrick

U.S. Presidential Election as a Choice for the President of Pop Culture?

from EU Pundit by Andis Kaulins


The future of democracy in America

from open Democracy News Analysis – by Anatol Lieven
The Tea Parties draw strength from deep roots in the American tradition. In his updated edition of America Right or Wrong: An Anatomy of American Nationalism, the author says regardless of who wins the elections in November, this radical conservative tendency poses a serious threat to the future of US democracy. 5,000 word essay


For politically playful news orgs, the 2012 election means social interactivity

from Nieman Journalism Lab by Adrienne LaFrance

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