
Archive for December, 2022|Monthly archive page

My pet project @SosyalKafa is 11 years old and here are the top videos of 2022 in our Youtube Channel

In Uncategorized on December 31, 2022 at 17:05

SosyalKafa started as a TV show at BJK Tv and moved to other platforms until it became a Youtube-only channel at the start of the pandemic. I have uploaded all the program videos from the outset so you can find the whole archive. It has a massive list of guests, a tribute to Turkey’s digital culture.  I design SosyalKafa as a training place for my students, too and I hope I achieved some success. I intend to continue broadcasting in 2023. Here is a list of most watched videos in 2022:


Hale Akay ile TERF Tartışmaları


Umut Özkırımlı ile İptal Kültürü

Seçkin Barış Gülmez ile Tez Öğrencilerine Tavsiyeler

Reddit nasıl kullanılır?

Slack Nasıl Kullanılır? | SosyalKafa


Ferda Keskin’le Foucault’yu Bugün Düşünmek

A normal day in istanbul cats of istanbul


Dijital Oyun Tasarımı. SosyalKafa’da Meslek Tanıtımları


Ali Burak Darıcılı ile Siber Güvenlik, Yapay Zeka ve İstihbarat Çalışmaları

Asana nedir, nasıl kullanılır?

Giyim Tarzları Üzerinden Örtülü Müslüman Kadın Kimlikleri

Notion Nasıl Kullanılır? | Sosyal Kafa

Gazeteci Michelle Demischevic ile Feminist & Trans Aktivizm

Instagram’da Mağaza Açmak



İyi TikTok videosu nasıl yapılır?

İsmail Coşkun’la Akademi Üzerine Bir Söyleşi

Heidegger’i nasıl savunuruz? Savunamayız. Kaan Ökten’le söyleşiden


Kulüp Dizisi Üzerine Bir Söyleşi- Tarihle Yüzleşmek

Aydın Uğur ANISINA

Gülfem Akten ile Canva Creators Programı Hakkında


Discord Nasıl Kullanılır? | Özellikleri Nedir? | SosyalKafa


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I could finally visit Göbeklitepe!

In Uncategorized on December 29, 2022 at 18:39

There are so many ancient settlements in Turkey, and I made it my goal to visit them all. Göbeklitepe was at the top of my list, and Sinem and I could visit the place last weekend. I am rarely too excited about the settlements I visit, but this was inevitably impressive. It was built 12 thousand years ago! A rival to Göbeklitepe is emerging at Karahan Tepe, one hour drive to the former. I will pay a visit there later.

Sinem and I were trainers in a local journalism session in Adana, and it took nearly five hours to reach Göbeklitepe. Under normal conditions, you should better fly to Antep or Urfa and drive much less to reach there. On our way to Göbeklitepe, we also visited a less-known ancient settlement from the Late Hitite times:, Castabala.

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Once again Paris is where pro-Kurdish women leaders assassinated

In Uncategorized on December 27, 2022 at 19:44

The last one is supposedly racist, but bad smells out there. Fascists also collaborate in a globalized world. The French police acted violently towards protesters who fought back in return.

Paris Shooting Suspect Indicted on Charges of Murder With Racist Motive


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New photo from Facebook December 26, 2022 at 11:35AM

In Uncategorized on December 26, 2022 at 11:39

Nuuk, Greenlands’in en büyük şehri. via Reddit. via Facebook Pages

Imamoğlu vs. Erdoğan

In Uncategorized on December 25, 2022 at 17:29

A former professor of mine asked me my opinion about an opinion piece at Washington Post. This helped to think about the Imamoğlu case. The trial is a political one and in the long run, those who are responsible will be ashamed of this sentencing. However, I do not share the logic that this will help Imamoğlu like it helped Erdoğan before.
Throughout my dissertation writing and afterward, I followed the author of that opinion piece and I find her one of the worst analysts in politics (!) She has good connections and she is beloved in international circles but she continuously makes wrong guesses. Apart from bashing the author,
the author represents a common point among the opposition circles in Turkey and (to some extent others in the West who has sympathy for İmamoğlu). That this will help İmamoğlu’s rise as this situation is similar to what happened to Erdoğan before. However, times changed and Erdoğan has very strong bureaucratic control. In the short run, İmamoğlu may be out of the race for sure. 
If there is no other candidate I would definitely support İmamoğlu as the candidate of the opposition. However, the personal similarities between these two politicians are just too much. For legal reasons, I will now state any humourous comparisons here. There are in fact other opposition candidates but the Imamoğlu lobby is just too vocal. Understandably, as the most powerful candidate, his elimination would help Erdoğan. But who knows exactly if he is the most powerful candidate? There are not many reliable opinion polls or sociological surveys. What we know some in the opposition and in the West support Imamoğlu more than others.
In fact, Imamoğlu case may backfire in another way: Since imamoğlu is gone there will be no opposition to Kılıcdaroglu candidacy- Kilicdaroglu is the head of CHP-. Many in the opposition find Kilicdaroglu not a shiny candidate but I find this important. He is a low-profile figure who promises to switch back to a parliamentary system. He has proven to be a more tolerant and wise administrator who expelled many ultranationalists from the party. The real hesitation against him might be the fact that he has Alevite and Kurdish origins. Few explicitly state this but I believe that’s why they oppose him. If Imamoglu is gone, Kılıçdaroğlu will get the full support of – out of necessity- his own party and the opposition in general, and this may trigger a new period. Well, we will see, I don’t claim to be a better analyst but I have my own observations (!)

Will the Istanbul mayor’s conviction backfire on Erdogan? – The National

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan attends a ceremony to mark an increase in capacity at a natural gas storage facility in Silivri near Istanbul .

Skyrocketing Prices in Turkey Hurt Families and Tarnish Erdogan

Annual inflation is around its highest level in decades, devaluing salaries and devouring savings less than a year before President Recep Tayyip Erdogan runs for re-election.

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My new publication: A report on Metaverse and Journalism (in Turkish)

In Uncategorized on December 19, 2022 at 19:31

I have been thinking and reading about Metaverse recently, and this is a piece on its encounters with journalism.

Here is the link to download the report.

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Iranian dictatorship continues to murder its citizens

In Uncategorized on December 19, 2022 at 13:45

Saman Yasin, a Kurdish rapper who has spoken against the Iranian regime, has been charged with ‘enmity against God’. Photograph: Handout

Taraneh Alidoosti was jailed after she expressed solidarity with a man recently executed over protests.

Old news: 

‘Anonymous’ hacks Iran state websites after Mahsa Amini’s death

The two main websites of the Iranian government and several media websites have been targeted by hackers.

Iran’s Internet Shutdown Hides a Deadly Crackdown

Amid protests against the killing of Mahsa Amini, authorities have cut off mobile internet, WhatsApp, and Instagram. The

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What if Twitter is gone? How to reach this blog

In Uncategorized on December 17, 2022 at 15:40

The image created by Erkan via MidJourney

Well, of course, the blog is here, not tied to Twitter hosting. You can come directly here. However, apart from the most committed readers, most traffic comes from social media connections. I have automated the blog to several of my accounts.

In the last year, here are the top referrers:

Search Engines

I believe one of the most direct ways to follow the blog is by subscribing. You can subscribe to the blog through the box on the right-hand side.

Secondly, an RSS reader will catch all the posts. Such as Feedly.

Thirdly, Linkedin has had more engagement in the last couple of years. Still, it is algorithmic.

Meta productions are important but it has algorithmic caprices.

Finally, if we are banned from Twitter or it just collapses, I also share my blog posts on Mastodon.

Twitter reinstates accounts of suspended journalists and Mastodon

has announced through its Safety account that it has “identified several policies where permanent suspension was a disproportionate action for breaking Twitter rules.” The website has already started reinstating accounts that were suspended for violating those rules, the tweet continued, and it will lift more suspensions every week over the next month. Twitter didn’t specify the policies it’s talking about and which accounts will be reinstated. But upon checking, the accounts of Mastodon and the journalists recently banned due to the website’s new doxxing rules are up and running again.

A number of prominent journalists’ accounts were suspended on


this evening, including those of correspondents from CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post. Aaron Rupar, Ryan Mac and Drew Harwell were among those to go dark at about 7:30 p.m—Rupar — Read the rest

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#Europe agenda: Corruption scandal in EP, Alleged coup attempt in Germany…

In Uncategorized on December 17, 2022 at 13:55

Strange days in Europe…
Eva Kaili, one of four suspects, is stripped of her role as vice-president of the European Parliament.
The followers of the Reich Citizens were allegedly preparing ‘to violently force their way into the German parliament’.

The EU Hosted a $400,000 Metaverse Party But No One Showed Up – Entrepreneur

The EU spent €387,000 ($407,000) on a metaverse venue to promote a new strategy. · But the 24-hour launch party saw just a handful of attendees

The post #Europe agenda: Corruption scandal in EP, Alleged coup attempt in Germany… appeared first on Erkan's Field Diary.

Vía Erkan’s Field Diary

Thousands of citizens and opposition leaders gave support to #İstanbul Mayor

In Uncategorized on December 16, 2022 at 21:08

İmamoğlu’s sentence seems to have energized the opposition, who, in the last couple of months were in decline.

İmamoğlu Addressed Citizens in Saraçhane: ‘Everything Will Be Fine’ – RaillyNews

Recalling that the ownership of Gezi Park belonged to the Metropolitan Municipality in the past, İmamoğlu said: “They said, ‘No, Gezi Park will now


Why has Istanbul mayor Imamoglu been sentenced to prison? | Explainer News | Al Jazeera

Opposition leader Ekrem Imamoglu has been handed a jail sentence and a politics ban ahead of general elections in 2023

Thousands protest in Turkey over Istanbul mayor’s conviction – Reuters

Thousands of people rallied in Turkey on Thursday to oppose the conviction and political ban of Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu, chanting slogans


Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Says Russian And U.S. Diplomats Have Met In Istanbul

Russian and U.S. diplomats met in Istanbul on December 9 to discuss a number of technical issues in the bilateral relationship, Russian state

Subletting surges in İstanbul amid housing crisis

Renting their rooms or entire apartments for short periods of time is profitable but psychologically demanding, tenants say.


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The post Thousands of citizens and opposition leaders gave support to #İstanbul Mayor appeared first on Erkan's Field Diary.

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