
“Al-Qaeda group and FSA declare truce as Turkey keeps Syria border gate closed… Syria updates…

In Uncategorized on September 20, 2013 at 14:56


Al-Qaeda group and FSA declare truce as Turkey keeps Syria border gate closed

Turkey has closed one of its border gates to Syria after an al Qaeda-affiliated rebel group clashed with units of the Arab

Turkish Parliament’s new motion on Syria could include changes: PM Erdoğan

A new bill set to replace a resolution passed last year by the Turkish Parliament authorizing cross-border military operations in Syria might include some amendments, PM Erdoğan said

Syria regime would call for ceasefire at Geneva talks: Deputy PM

The Syrian government believes the civil war ravaging the country has reached a stalemate and would call for a ceasefire

Putin says Syria chemical arms moves ‘inspire confidence’

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday he was confident but not 100 percent sure that Syria would carry out its commitments

Syria opposition condemns jihadist attacks on rebels

Syria’s opposition National Coalition condemned recent attacks by Al-Qaeda loyalists

Assad and the Death of the International Criminal Court

Numerous commentators argue that Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad should be tried for war crimes before the International Criminal Court. If anyone ought to be prosecuted for war crimes, it’s this reviled leader, who almost certainly directed poison gas attacks against civilians. But as Joshua Keating explained in Slate, it’s not going to happen. This, just the latest blow to the ICC, illustrates once again why the prospect of international justice through global courts is ever receding—and why the court’s own days may be numbered.


Division and indecision over Syria


The deal on chemical weapons reached by Russia and the United States marks the latest chapter in the West’s effort to stay out of Syria’s civil war. After Russia’s diplomatic initiative, a military strike has been avoided. The White House says that diplomacy backed by a credible military threat has succeeded, and European leaders claim that their appeal for a UN process was heard. Obama’s wish to avoid military solutions may have created new momentum for negotiations with Iran. But this moment of jubilation could be short-lived: a daunting task at the UN awaits; military action may still be needed; and transatlantic cohesion has been damaged.

Kerry says UN Security Council must act on Syria next week

The U.S. Secretary of State said it was vital that a deal on Syrian chemical weapons be enforced

Syrian Rebels Use iPads and Smartphones to Aid Weaponry

In the absence of a military infrastructure, Syrian rebels have turned tosmartphones and tablets to track, aim mortars at, and plot attacks against government troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, according to U.S. arms and defense experts.


Obama is criticized for right result on Syria

How did it happen that, less than a year after Barack Obama convincingly won reelection, his every move as president now draws hoots and catcalls from nearly every point on the political spectrum?


Obama is criticized for right result on Syria

How did it happen that, less than a year after Barack Obama convincingly won reelection, his every move as president now draws hoots and catcalls from nearly every point on the political spectrum?

Tunisian women waging ‘sex jihad’ in Syria: minister

Tunisian women have travelled to Syria to wage “sex jihad” by comforting Islamist fighters battling the regime

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